The Only & Original…GROWN FOLKS NIGHT OUT! w/ DJ Cavon for Bermudians, Not really crazy about spending a lot of money after Christmas on New Years Eve? This event is free and a local vibe. I would like to all the mature people in Bermuda, visitors to the island here and the regulars back for “The After Christmas Party & Grown Folks Night Out” and hang with a mature vibe. You will not be disappointed.

Grown Folks Night Out is on this Saturday at Henry VIII Rest. & Pub. almost every Saturday for the mature & sexy crowd. For all those who haven’t been to this event, it’s simple “Show up” and listen to a good old-school vibe. And guess what you can actually hear a slow jam or two, imagine that!! When have you been out and heard a slow jam and been able to hold your lucky one close to you on the dance floor? Come listen to back-in-the-day R&B, Soca, Dance, AfroBeats and Salsa sounds. Those that can make it come on through those that can’t then you better ask somebody! Come to see a real adult vibe at Henry VIII Restaurant & Pub.

Want to take a free trip down memory lane come on up and chill with a great mature vibe, with me at Henry VII Restaurant & Pub. It doesn’t cost you one penny to come out and have a good time and support local talent with Bermuda’s own International DJ Cavon!
Thank you to all who come to support me every time I play and those people know who they are, I appreciate your undying support every time
The kids have their spot on the rock and the adults have theirs at Grown Folks Night Out with DJ Cavon”The Grandmaster” at Henry VIII Restaurant & Pub.

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